Sinful Sunday 377

 01/07/2018    kinbaku

Our submission to Sinful Sunday 377 blends two images from our latest blog post into a slightly skewed and not totally centered diptych.

Tied Untied

This diptych blends two images from our latest blog post (Dreamgirl Sheer Lace French Maid Costume) into an pair of images that show a gote shibari tied (left) and partially untied (right).

It's All About the Image

It's been an interesting image to pull together, and hopefully it works. We experimented with positioning of the "split" between the two images. A vertical line did not look too good, so we chose a line that mirrored the angle of the tie's rear stem. The second question was whether or not to go dead center. But, in the end we positioned the divide so that the gote stem lay fully on the "untied" side of the image.

Inevitably, having not planned this in advance, the two images are taken at very slightly different angles and from different distances. This led to some fiddly resizing and rotation in order to create the impression of a realistic shoulder width.

Quite a contrasty monochrome treatment is paired with some additional image noise to give the impression of film grain.

Sinful Sunday 377

It's time split and dance the two-step over to Sinful Sunday 377...

Sinful Sunday

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